Online Gambling in the UK – The Main Issue

online gambling

Online Gambling in the UK – The Main Issue

Online gambling is any type of gambling conducted via the internet. This includes online casinos, online poker and online sports betting among others. The first online gambling site opened to the public, was online ticketing for the first ever Liechtenstein International Poker Tournament in October 1994.

The internet has proven to be a valuable tool when used for business and recreational purposes. One can find news, articles, and various other forms of information online. However, not everyone takes the legal benefits and advantages of online gambling. In this case, a citation needed to be made in order to partake in online casino gambling.

In the state of California for example, in order to engage in online gambling one needs a license. A licensed business person is someone who can demonstrate that they are capable of conducting online poker. This is one way that the state of California protects against unlawful gambling and money laundering. With this said; you need to understand that if you are engaging in online poker you are also engaging in money laundering. This is a critical point and needs to be understood.

You see, there are many examples throughout the world of online gambling operations that have been shut down due to laws and order from local jurisdictions. One such case involved a UK company that operated online roulette gambling operation. The company was shut down by the UK government as it was suspected that the company had been assisting illegal gambling in the UK. This is similar to how the online casinos in the UK were shut down.

However, some local jurisdictions in the UK like Jersey and Guernsey actually allow remote gambling. In this case, those that operate the online gambling websites do not actually reside or have any significant amount of office space within the jurisdiction itself. Therefore, these operators do not have to abide by the same regulations and rules that all licensed casinos do. This is why there are so many grey areas when it comes to online gambling and the main article on this topic is that this gray area is open for everyone to exploit and take advantage of.

Hopefully you have learned a little more about the main article on why online gambling is legal in the UK but that doesn’t mean that you have the all clear on that issue. The main article on this subject covers an example of online gambling where there is an intermediary like a licensed casino but the person actually pays the commission to the gaming house instead of the website. This is the main grey area and the grey areas associated with all forms of online gambling in general and the main article addresses some of the concerns associated with this type of online gambling. So, hopefully this article has shown you that online gambling is legal in the UK but that there are still regulations and laws that must be followed when you play online.